Wikipedia defines executive protection as being “Executive protection (EP), also known as close protection, refers to security and risk mitigation measures taken to ensure the safety of VIPs or other individuals who may be exposed to elevated personal risk because of their employment, high-profile status, net worth, affiliations or geographical location.” But it’s more than that. SO MUCH MORE!!
Law enforcement does this for government officials all the time. But private Investigators and security officers outnumber law enforcement at almost a 3 to one ratio Most likely when you see someone with a security detail they are private investigators that specialize in this field. It is developing the relationship between the P.P.O. or personal protection officer, and the client and making the client not only feel safe but have confidence in the fact that the P.P.O. is the best at what they do and has matters firmly in control.
Advanced Protective Services have P.P.O.’s worldwide and can travel at almost a moment’s notice. Our P.P.O.’s cover down on leaders of countries, protect individuals traveling at a moments notice to “Hot Spots”, and extract individuals from hostile situations world wide. If you notice we have chosen the Knight chess piece as our company logo. because of several reasons. The Knight can freely move about the board jumping other chess pieces and taking on all threats.
The color of our Knight is white for purity of heart and mind, Peace, and the pursuit of goodness, principles that are foundational to a security firm’s mission.